Overhaul of a black start capable synchronous generator
The overhaul of a black start capable synchronous generator for Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG – operator of one of the largest chemical sites in Europe.
Scope of service:
- main overhaul including balancing the rotor
Additional work on the stator:
- Post-resin of the wedges
- Winding provided with surface protective varnish
Additional work on the rotor:
- Reconditioning of old spacers and application of protective varnish
- Partial procurement of new spacers and coating with protective varnish
- Installation of spacers and application of new silicone round cord + bandages

Project key data
- Power: 32,000 kVA
- Voltage: 10,500 V
- Speed: 3,000 rpm
- Weight: 51 tons